Ultimate Crossover Wiki


Apologetic Attacker: Sanger, in the World Martial Arts Tournament apologizes for using overpowered tactics and cheap tricks (that would be downright cheating if there were any rules) in battle. He's sorry for beating you up, but he just has to reach the final match.

Badass: Oh yes.

Badass Long Robe: Nigh-constantly.

Bishōnen: Sanger has been called "cute" by males and females alike.

Cheshire Cat Grin: Sanger wears one often, and when he vanishes, just like the Cheshire Cat itself, his smile is the last thing to go.

Creepy Good: No matter how cute you may find him, and how innocent he tries to act, there is something very offputting about Sanger.


Jerk with a Heart of Gold: More like "Troll with a Heart of Gold", but when he was using very unfair tactics against Lisette Grenge, who needed the money to pay for her family's poor living conditions, he offers to give her the money when he wins the tournament.

Memetic Molester: Between the authors at the very least, in their little "between post banter", Sanger has this vibe going, where he's hit on Gunha and his interest in Kisara may be less than pure. In-story, Sanger really does have this vibe going as well, just no one comments. on it.

Papa Wolf: Sanger has this dynamic with Kisara. Despite not being her actual father, he's the closest thing she actually has to a father figure and he does care for the girl immensely. At first he merely found her interesting and wanted to see where she would go if he manipulated her away from Juanita, Sanger actually grew to care for the girl like a father would his daughter and is not shy about threatening to wipe anyone off the face of the Earth who threatens this girl's safety. While he has the power to back this up, the curse that keeps him bound to a certain location keeps him from going too far out of his way, and he actually states Juanita is not yet someone he can kill, though this is never elaborated on.


Shout Out: In a roundabout manner. When Sanger first meets Kisara, he tells her "I will be your new light." This is actually a reference to Itachi's infamous proclamation; "Sasuke! You are my new light!". 

The Obi-Wan: Sanger plays a role similar to this for Kisara.

The Red Mage: Sanger has been shown to be able to use magic of all kinds, healing, offensive, defensive, and supplementary.

Too Awesome to Use / Purposefully Overpowered: Sanger definitely qualifies, seemingly having no limit to his skills. It's because of this that Darkrai installed a limit on where he can go and keeps him fairly grounded in his role of The Obi-Wan.

