Ultimate Crossover Wiki
Welcome to the Chapter Review Corner

The chapters have been released, and that means it's time to blog. To those new to my blog, welcome. To my continued readership, all I have to say is, thanks. SARA, start the broadcast.
Are you ready to begin?


I really am not sure what's up with Kubo, but needless to say he's on a roll. This is the second chapter to focus now on the Vandenreich, and I must say I am very pleased. We start off with Uryu, questioning why Juhabach would appoint him, someone who quite literally appeared from nowhere, his successor, as it obviously causes discord within his group. Thank you Uryu, for, 1) finally saying something for the first time in a few chapters, 2) for questioning Juha's reasoning, we've all been wondering it too. Juha himself states the reason is quite simple. Uryu survived his "Selektierung/Auswaehlen" (seriously, Panda and Stream apparently cannot agree which is correct, both mean something different, "Selection in the sense of evolution" -Natural Section I suppose-, and "Holy Selection"), and he was the only Gemischt Quincy to survive. I guess Karin, Yuzu, and Ichigo don'tt count. Due to this, he believes Uryuu has something to surpass him.

Well, you must be religious.

Uryu, unable to argue at that flawless logic so often used by government officials and religious leaders alike, resigns to the fact that he is now basically Juha's bitch, "A" or otherwise. We cut (no pun intended) Bambietta taking one of the common soldiers to her room for sex...only to cut him in half right after it. I-I'm sorry...this is still BLEACH, right? I think I like that side of her.


In order, from right to left, we have "Candice Catnipp", "Meninas McAllon", "Loltitto Lamperd", and "Giselle Gewelle". Cadnice Catnipp....I swear, some of these names should be child abuse. My personal favorites within this group are Giselle Gewelle and Meninas McAllon. Anyway, their conversation implies sex and then murder is a common practise among these girls. So...Quincy Succubi, just great. They start to bicker before Bambietta tries to shoot them, telling them to shut up because she's worried about the future of Vandenreich. Jugram returns to his own quarters to see his...wife....maid...girlfriend...bitch, she's his bitch, still awake. He explains to her that Juha's decision to appoint the new recruit as his successor is quite different from what Juha told Uryu. It basically backs Uryu into a corner, because the announcement now has EVERYONE pissed off an on edge, and everyone will be paying close attention to Uryu. Thus, even if he, say, wants to assassinate Juhabach, with everyone paying so much attention to him (except the girls, naturally, they'll be too busy raping and killing), Uryu won't be able to do anything but be loyal to Juhabach. Meanwhile, Orihime, Chad, and apparently some other individuals gather under their Lord and Master Kisuke Urahara, who is planning....




This chapter was disappointing, that's all I can say. I won't even put effort into this half of the review, and honestly, if someone has a problem with that, you review Naruto instead. I'll take over again when NaruHina becomes canon. Obito is not dead. The most annoying character in the series (oh yes, Sakura is no longer that), did not die when Madara tried to kill him, in fact, he fucked over the Jutsu, and became the Jinchuuriki of the Ten Tails.


There are no words to describe the utter trash this is, and yes, I know I'm gonna get some hate for hating this chapter, but I don't get how anyone likes it. The sooner Naruto ends, the better.

Now, let's score these two, we all know how that'll go.



Review scores
Category Rating
Art 9/10
Story 7/10
Fight N/A
Overall Chapter Very Good

Kubo's art is always decent, I give it a 9/10. The story, about 7/10. I loved this chapter. Like last week, this is what we've needed, more characterisation for the Vandenreich, actually seeing more about them. However, We're also getting somewhere with Kisuke, finally returning to Hueco Mundo, with Kisuke, Orihime, Chad, etc. Something is happening, the question is what. Overall, a Very Good Chapter.


Review scores
Category Rating
Art 10/10
Story 6/10
Fight 1/10
Overall Chapter AWFUL

Naruto always has good art, and I can't hate on the effects from this chapter even if the last panel enraged and confused me. 10/10. The story, while I hated it, is progressing, and therefore, 6/10. The fight? 1/10. Overall, this chapter sucked, the resolution was terrible, the fact that Obito is still alive enrages me. AWFUL is this chapter's rating.


BLEACH and NARUTO are all done for today, but they'll be back next week! I look forward to your feedback in the comments, and remember, say what you like, but, try not to bite each other's throats out. We'll see you next week.
